Steel Structures Design Civil 6th Sem/5130/Dec 2015 Paper

6th Diploma Exam/Civil/5130/Dec 2015

STEEL STRUCTURES DESIGN 6th Exam/Civil/5130/Dec 2015


Duration: 3Hrs.                                                                                                                                     M.Marks:75

Note: Use of IS: 800 and Steel Tables are permitted in examination.

Q1. a) Fill in the blanks.                                                                                                                                15×1=15

  1. Diameter of rivet is determined from formula 6√t 
  2. Effective throat thickness in fillet weld is 7x size of weld.
  3. Permissible deflection for a steel beam is span/325
  4. A built up beam to carry heavier loads over large span is called a flexural member.
  5. Buckling exhibits the failure of web  member.      
  6. ISHB rolled sections are used for designing Beam.
  7. Rise given to the bottom central panel of a roof truss is called camber.
  8. Rolled steel sections are designated by width of its section and Thickness.
  9. Compression members in roof trusses are called upper chord.
  10. Splicing of the column is done to increase length of the column.


(II)State True or False                                                                                          5×1=5

  1. The arrangement of triangles in a truss depends on span. 
  2. Unit of radius of gyration is mm2.     (False)
  3. If the masonry wall is directly resting on foundation block, then B = 3t (True)     
  4. Wrought iron is strong in compression. (False)
  5. Roof bracing is often necessary to provide stability.     (True)    


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. What is a plate girder? What are its various components? Explain with sketch.
  2. Explain various forms of trusses with sketches
  3. What do you understand by plug and slot welds?
  4. Explain any four rolled steel sections as per BIS.
  5. Explain the terms slenderness ratio and radius of gyration ?
  6. Explain various types of sections used as tension members.
  7. What are column bases and why these are used?
  8. What are laterally restrained beams?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. Two plates 12 mm and 10 mm thick are joined by a double riveted lap joint. 16 mm Φ rivets are provided at a pitch of 50 Use PDSR rivets. Take permissible tensile stress in plate = 150 MPa . Determine strength and efficiency of the joint .
  2. Design a suitable section for a steel column to carry an axial load of 660kN. The length of the column is  5  m  and  is   restrained  in  position  and   direction   at  both  ends.   Take fy =250N/mm2.
  3. Calculate the strength of ISA 100x65x8 mm used as a tie bar with longer leg connected at ends by fillet welds. Allowable tensile stress = 150 N/mm2
  4. Design a single angle discontinuous strut 3m long to carry a load of Also design welded connections and use 10mm thick gusset plate. Take yield stress fy =250N/mm2
  5. Design a suitable section of steel beam having an effective span of 5m loaded with the

u.d.l. of 65kN/m (inclusive of self weight).Take E = 2×105N/mm2

/Dec 2015

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6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2019

The Diameter of rivet is determined from formula ____

Diameter of rivet is determined from formula 6√t 

An Effective throat thickness in fillet weld is _____.

Effective throat thickness in fillet weld is 7x size of weld.

Permissible deflection for a steel beam is ______

Permissible deflection for a steel beam is span/325


A built up beam to carry heavier loads over large span is called a _________.

A built up beam to carry heavier loads over large span is called a flexural member.

Buckling exhibits the failure of ______ member.

Buckling exhibits the failure of web  member.      


ISHB rolled sections are used for designing _____

ISHB rolled sections are used for designing Beam.


Rise given to the bottom central panel of a roof truss is called _______

Rise given to the bottom central panel of a roof truss is called camber.


Rolled steel sections are designated by ________ of its section and _________.

Rolled steel sections are designated by width of its section and Thickness.

Compression members in roof trusses are called ___________

Compression members in roof trusses are called upper chord.


Splicing of the column is done to increase ____________.

Splicing of the column is done to increase length of the column.


(II)State True or False

b) State True or False.


The arrangement of triangles in a truss depends on span.  Unit of radius of gyration is mm2.



If the masonry wall is directly resting on foundation block, then B = 3t .



Wrought iron is strong in compression.



Roof bracing is often necessary to provide stability. 


6th Diploma Exam/Civil/5130/May 2019 PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper Dec 2015.

6th Diploma /Civil/5130/Dec 2015

What is a plate girder? What are its various components? Explain with sketch.
Explain various forms of trusses with sketches.
What do you understand by plug and slot welds?

Plug and slot welds


Explain any four rolled steel sections as per BIS.

Four rolled steel sections as per BIS.

Explain the terms slenderness ratio and radius of gyration ?

Slenderness ratio and radius of gyration

Explain various types of sections used as tension members.

Various types of sections used as tension members.

What are column bases and why these are used?

Column bases and why these are used.

What are laterally restrained beams?

Laterally restrained beams

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6th Diploma/Civil/
5130/dec 2015

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6th Diploma/Civil/5130/DEC 2015

Two plates 12 mm and 10 mm thick are joined by a double riveted lap joint. 16 mm Φ rivets are provided at a pitch of 50 Use PDSR rivets. Take permissible tensile stress in plate = 150 MPa . Determine strength and efficiency of the joint.
Design a suitable section for a steel column to carry an axial load of 660kN. The length of the column is  5  m  and  is   restrained  in  position  and   direction   at  both  ends.   Take fy =250N/mm2.



Calculate the strength of ISA 100x65x8 mm used as a tie bar with longer leg connected at ends by fillet welds. Allowable tensile stress = 150 N/mm2.




Design a single angle discontinuous strut 3m long to carry a load of Also design welded connections and use 10mm thick gusset plate. Take yield stress fy =250N/mm2
Design a suitable section of steel beam having an effective span of 5m loaded with the u.d.l. of 65kN/m (inclusive of self weight).Take E = 2x105N/mm2

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